Past’s Impact on Present

Past’s Impact on Present

It is not the memory, rather, it is the belief and the emotions tied into it which generates harmony or discord in the Present.

Is this your experience?

How much are associations ruling the unconscious mind and how much are environmental influences making our choices? Many people do a good 90% or more on autopilot daily.

What are some ways you break free from autopilot? If you have goals, how do you keep them in the forefront of your mind when you are taking action?

It is more important now, than ever, to be more conscious of our actions and the consequences.

Even inaction is an action which has consequences.

What happens when we do not hold ourselves and others accountable?

Imagine, living on a pristine planet in the Goldilocks Zone, and actively working against the best interest of yourself, your own species and habitat. This isn’t what we’re meant to do with our lives.

How we live is unsustainable.

We cannot afford to leave our lives in the hands of people who value physical wealth above our habitat and our humanity.

Own yourself. Be yourself. Right the wrongs in your life.

Work actively toward a better state of being in the Present moment.
